Seiryu-e Blue Dragon Festival, Kyoto, Japan

Men parading with a dragon at Seiryu-e festival in Kyoto, Japan

A great blue dragon protects the eastern side of Kyoto. It flies in every night to drink from the waterfall at Kiyomizudera Temple. The dragon is now honoured three times a year at the temple's Seiryu-e Festival. An 18-metre long dragon snakes its way through the temple accompanied by an entourage in spectacular costumes. The dragon dances in time with the beat while everyone chants in chorus praying for peace and good luck.

Seiryu-e Festival is held at Kiyomizudera Temple in Kyoto. The usual dates are 14th/15th March, 3rd April and 14th/15th September. The procession lasts from 2pm to 3.30pm.

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